Hello! Welcome to my blog. I assume you’re here because you like to cook and eat. I hope you can find some recipe ideas and inspirations here.
I’m a thirty-something mom of two, former school teacher and classical pianist and follower of Jesus Christ.
My reason for cooking is my grandmother. When she was alive and well, she would cook up a Sunday night feast for her four sons (my dad included) and their families. Each dish was someone’s favourite. Each dish was made out of love. Each dish taught me that food is more than just nourishment for the body. Food can feed the heart as much as it feeds the body.
This blog is in memory and honour of my late grandma Ms. Leung Tai Qiu. She taught me how to cook for the ones you love and how to love.
The secret ingredient is love. It’s always love.
1) Food is not purely for a means of survival but rather God created it as a gift with flavour and abundance (for some of us) to be enjoyed.
2) Food should be created out of love and demands no less.
3) You are at the mercy of whoever's kitchen you are in. When you are in someone else's kitchen, you are no longer head chef but rather a sous chef unless told otherwise.
4) If you have the time, try to make things from scratch. It will taste as good as you feel. =)
5) Make it your own. Just as you would include your signature at the end of a document, you should include your culinary signature in your dish. Maybe your signature is in presentation, or preparation, or in food combinations. Personally, I cook everything without a recipe and without measurements. I cook like how I make music. I improvise with an expansive pallet but end up sticking to a few key ingredients so nothing becomes overshadowed.
6) Be resourceful. If you're short or missing out on an ingredient, think of what you can use to replace it that perhaps gives a similar taste or texture. This way will promote creativity and perhaps you will have created a whole new dish to tantalize the senses!
7) Take a chance on food. Never say no to something unless you've tasted it.
8) Not everything gourmet = good. As much I am a sucker for gourmet products, it's not always necessary to create good food. I'm just as happy with no name brands and from my experience, they're just as happy with me.
9) Listen to your gut. In other words, use your common culinary sense. If the recipe calls for 5 chilli peppers and you know that people cannot tolerate the hotness, don't follow the recipe! The recipe isn't always right.
10) If you don't like it, don't make it. If you don't love it, it won't turn out right.
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